CONSEQUENCE p. 2, p. 3, p. 4


After a performance, there are trails. Trails of sweat on the floor, trails of plaster which I danced with, the blood in the fingernail. And then?
Consequence, both material and immaterial.


Consequence is a transdisciplinary project that creates a link between performance and visual arts through a contemplation of space and time, as well as presence and absence. What happens when the performer leaves? Does absence change a performance into an exhibition? Urška Medved focuses on the connectivity of her body with the textile medium, on a relationship between the living and the non-living. What may be said about their coexistence?

When the dancer leaves, the textile objects that were created during the piece remain, their materiality doesn't change, but they do document the author's existence before her leaving. Time before a certain beginning. Some trails stay.

The project aims to achieve a transformation of performance art – along with its transience and uniqueness – and transfer it into the area of visual arts which allows for existence in time and space. But where do the limits of both areas of art appear? Do they appear at all?

Concept & performance: Urška Medved
Co-production: Pekinpah, Kd Qulenium, Kud Qulenium