SILENCE | Fine-Tuning

On December 22, Silence performed at the State Celebration of the Slovene Independence and Unity Day. The event's artistic program - entitled 'Fine-Tuning, Concerto for a Two-Million Piece Orchestra' - was conceived and directed by the duet. The event featured a formal address by Dr. Miro Cerar, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia.

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Ravnikar in Fuller

Prva tiskana izdaja študije Design arhitekta Edvarda Ravnikarja (1969). In prvi slovenski prevod Priročnika za vesoljsko ladjo Zemlja (1969) R. Buckminstra Fullerja. Skupaj ali ločeno. Knjigi sta izšli v Zbirki 42 založbe Pekinpah. Urednici zbirke sta Barbara Predan in Petra Cerne Oven. 

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Nadaljevati | Oloop - Roke gledajo, oči tipajo

Oloopov eksperimentalni projekt Roke gledajo, oči tipajo: Taktilni laboratorij, je oktobra na devetih dogodkih udeležencem predavanj in delavnic omogočil raziskovanje otipa, teže, zvoka in gibanja tekstila ter drugih materialov. Zaznavanje, spoznavanje, opazovanje dogajanja in interpretiranje videnega je bilo med ustvarjalnim procesom v okviru Oloopovega taktilnega laboratorija delo kuratorke Barbare Predan.

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Death in Design

In his book Immortality, Milan Kundera made an incisive remark: “To be mortal is the most basic human experience, and yet man has never been able to accept it, grasp it, and behave accordingly. Man doesn't know how to be mortal. And when he dies, he doesn't even know how to be dead.” The exhibition will question clichéd responses, sayings, and ideas on death. Opening: September 29, 2017, Srečišče Gallery, Metelkova 8, Ljubljana.

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We're delighted to announce the premiere of Codelli, Miha Čelar's feature-length film about inventor and pioneer film-maker Anton Codelli (1875-1954). Part biopic, part documentary, Codelli offers a masterful performance by Primož Bezjak in the title role. It also features one of Silence's most elaborate soundtracks to date.

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